Digital Art Class Information
Digital Art classes are a separate class than our core curriculum. You can take one ore more digital art as a standalone class or take both digital art and core classes at different class times and receive a discount for the second and third classes.
Digital Painting
For ages 9 and up. Digital Painting teaches the fundamentals of digital painting, design, and illustration. Students will focus on creating expressive pieces of digital art while learning the fundamentals of digital painting and design. Students will learn to navigate software and have a new skillset available to express themselves anywhere they go!
Digital Painting and Design Class Schedule
Are you looking for Core Art Class information?
AP Studio Art & College Portfolio Class Information
Graphic Design
For ages 9 and up: Our graphic design class teaches students how to think about design fundamentals while creating fun and unique projects!
Students will focus on creating projects that communicate, while exploring different processes and materials. Students use a mix of digital software and traditional design processes in order to develop the students’ sense for clear and effective design and learn skills not only applicable to designers, but applicable to any medium.
Digital Painting and Design Class Schedule
3D Design and Modeling
For ages 9 and up: In our 3D design and modeling class, students will explore the 3rd dimension of art and design! Students will use Nomad Sculpt, on an iPad in order to develop their sense for using 3D Software, and an understanding of volumetric form and how to create awesome 3D Models!
Nomad Sculpt App Link [for iPad]
3D Design and Modeling Class Schedule
Hardware and Software Information
Our digital art classes require students bring their own hardware and software to class.
Materials required per class:
iPad (9th generation or above)
Apple Pencil
Software Used:
Digital Painting and Graphic Design - [Procreate]
Nomad Sculpt
3D Design and Modeling [Nomad Sculpt]