Summer Camp 夏令营
All full day camps have pizza lunch provided (cheese or pepperoni). For more camp details, please click above links and look in camp descriptions.
Notes: All credit card transactions online have a 3.75% fee applied. Please email if you would like to pay via Zelle, Check or Cash to receive discounted tuition.
Summer Camp Change policies
Photos from Past Camps
For the second leg of our trip, we visited Singapore! This was not purely for fun even though Singapore is one of the most fun places on Earth!
During our visit to Yangon, Myanmar - we not only lead project-based workshops at various schools, but we also go to experience the culture and daily life!
We visited various places in Yangon from modern new malls very similar to home to traditional markets just off the local train stop! We also visited the bus cafe and got to take a kickboxing class!
Come see the photos!
We had so much fun during our trip to Myanmar! Our program has grown by leaps and bounds! Big thanks to Hla Hla and 360Ed for their logistics support and helping to arrange our school visits! Enjoy the photos!!
We made all kinds of cool projects in Graphic Design Camp, College Portfolio Camp, Painting Camp, and Ocean Explorers Camp this week! Come see all the photos!!
Photos from 2nd weeks of Sketching, Animation, and College Portfolio Camps! Also photos from our very popular Pocket Monster Camp!
We’re off to a great start this summer!
Here are photos from Sketching Camp, College Portfolio Camp, Animation Camp, and Carnival Camp!
Our super fun 2 week summer camp covers several different types of paintings in a fun and creative atmosphere!
We explored different types of mechanisms that machines can use to create movement in our super fun summer camp!
SPRING Camps 春令营
Coming Soon!
FALL Camps 秋令营
Coming Soon!